FISE World Edmonton 2016


17 Sep 2016 09:34

With Jack Clark and Andy Buckworth

The Redbull lounge is welcoming, with enough fruits, snacks and drinks to make you come and chill inside between the competitions. And at the back of it, in a quiet corner, you can find two tables and some physio equipment. When I open the curtain, Andy Buckworth and Jack Clarck are there getting some treatment. Let’s sit with them and see what they are up to in the hand of their friendly physio.


What happened Andy ?

AB : Yesterday in practice I went too long on the double flip, the foot rolled off the pedal and now my ankle is passing through all the colors of the rainbow. It’s swelling and I can’t ride. I am bummed, I went to Edmonton to ride and have fun trying to get to the final with the best riders of the world.

We haven’t seen you for a while at FISE and we are happy to see you back here, what were you doing all this time ?

AB : Unfortunately I haven’t been able to attend many FISE event because I was very busy with the Nitrocircus and other events. Before I went to Denver it was actually since 2009 that I didn’t attend a FISE, so I was happy to be back.

When was the last time you got hurt ?

AB : I am always hurt, we all are…I knock out all my teeth out in january at woodward practicing.

Do you like how they treat you here ?

AB : It’s unreal, they have the best equipment, provide a lot of knowledge, they help us a lot. Thanks to them.

Jack, why are you here ?

JC : Right now, I am freezing because I have my feet in an ice bath, I don’t know if I will be able to talk much hahaha. But after Denver, I went to the Battle of Hastings, the contest went fine but when I came home my toe started to hurt for no specific reason. Now I try to get better, chilling, hopefully it should be fine for tomorrow.

Can you introduce yourself ?

JG : My name is James Greene, I work for Sherwood Park Sport Physio, a clinic who takes care mainly of soccer and American football, or hockey player in the winter. This is my first time here taking care of action sports.

Can you explain us the power of ice on the human body, specially on his case ?

JG: Basically he has an injury inflammation based injury. There is enough irritation so his body is creating extra fluid and that what makes the swelling. The swelling restricts his movement, wich cause him the pain.  The ice is stopping the swelling and the metabolism so the pain is more bearable.

Are you enjoying taking care of them ?

JG : Yeah, they are good guys, very polite, good conversation ; they are tough, they are used to pain. I worked in different sports but for sure these guys know what is real pain.


Well thanks guys, I hope you two get better and thanks James for taking such good care of  the athletes.