09 Mar 2022 11:00



After Barcelona, we move to another European capital to discover three crews who make the dynamics of a city full of spots and shelters for a little more complicated winters. First episode with the Cluut bmxers who multiply delirious videos and bring together all of Europe each year in epic street jams. Bah, it's Flouz, the man behind the camera, who tells us.

Cluut, what is it?

“Cluut” in old Brussels local language meaning idiots.

We are a bunch of idiots who found ourselves around the BMX.

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You have a crazy team if we believe the rumors (hehehe) what's the idea of this flow team of stars?

Well, it's true that we manage to recruit some big BMX stars, like Pepe for example, who is to date our greatest pride and international rider.

Afterwards, we have a lot of amateurs who dream of joining our pro team, but we have limited places in pro, so we still do them a little favor by accepting them in the flow team. Who's there already? Bah Garrett Reynolds, Ruben Alcantara, Simone Barraco, Stefan Lantschner, Denim Cox, Reed Stark, the list is long… We forget a lot.

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And Rachid in all that, it's not so common to have a king in a crew

Rachid created an Instagram account called @Kingcluutrachid, so he kind of proclaimed himself king of Cluut solo, because he was probably afraid that Pepe would take his place.

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What makes Brussels special for you?

Bah, Cluut once!

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Quality / bad aspects of the city and its inhabitants

I think it's good that people don't take themselves so seriously around here, but on the other hand the rain and the cold prevent us from seeing Pepe at other times than in summer.

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Your favorite neighborhood?

In the surroundings of the city center, all the terraces where it is possible to consume pints.

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And where does it drive in winter?

In the bars, because the terraces are closed.

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The fries spot that goes well?

Fritkot "BIG MOESTASJE" (Place Cardinal Mercier, in Jette)

Follow @cluutshow on Instagram