FISE World Montpellier -

Yu Katagiri stays on top of BMX Flat

12 May 2024 09:04

There was a lot at stake in these BMX Flat semi-finals. First and foremost, of course, to secure a place in tomorrow's final. 

But also to earn points for the UCI World Cup, with the added challenge of competing against a line-up largely dominated by the highly technical and talented Japanese riders. With 16 competitors and just eight spots in the finals, it goes without saying that our riders put everything they've got into the battle! Three-minute runs in the late afternoon heat, the hill was full and the battle intense! While we'll be seeing five illustrious representatives from Japan tomorrow, we’ll also meet again with our Spanish regular Vicky Gomez (5th), who remained focused right to the end despite a fall midway through his run, as well as a new face on the French scene. 

Julien Baran (7th) injects fresh blood and a crazy, fluid style, and landed a time machine to finish his run. And speaking of the French, we'll have the chance to dance one last time with the best-known of them all, Matthias Dandois (4th), who treated us to an intense emotional sequence. But in the top spots, it's Japan that really shines. Ryo Katagiri (3rd) had already killed it halfway through his run, and smashed it under the appreciative gaze of his peers with a magnificent run full of style and flow. In second place was last year's winner, Yu Shoji, who took a lot of risks and landed some impressive jumps. Crossing and uncrossing, with super tricky foot placement and high execution speed, his final combos were simply monstrous. And consolidating his qualification for first place yesterday, it was Yu Katagiri who sealed the deal today with a big lead and a score of 94.33 points, getting the crowd screaming right from the start to a Dilated Peoples hit. 

Slim and agile, he radiates an infectious dynamism. Unrelenting in his combos, he seems to fall back on his pedals no matter what, even after a no foot. He looks like he can do everything, even in slow motion, even when backed into a corner, even as he laughs... 

The Montpellier audience made no mistake, and cheered loudly: it's contagious, we told you! All that now remains is to confirm this incredible mastery, and his stranglehold on the competition. 

We'll be seeing Yu and all our riders in the final tomorrow, for one last show that's already shaping up to be an unforgettable experience: don't miss it!